by April LaBianca Aichi Steel, which also known as ‘Aichei’ is a high quality (440C) Japanese steel. The Aichi Steel has been around for years –...
by April LaBianca So we meet again, how much do you want to know? What do you want to know? All of it!? Alrighty sit tight and read up! When it comes to blending she...
by Linda Wiegmann Blending Shears vs Thinning Shears: What is the Difference? What is the difference between thinning shears and blending shears? Can we really say t...
by Linda Wiegmann So, you want to know how to hold hairdressing scissors correctly? Holding salon hair cutting scissors also known as hairdressing/barbering scissors...
by Concise Digital (Spring Web) You’re never too old to enjoy a splash of pink in your life. Gone are the days of boring hairdressing shears. Hairdressers, and no doubt a f...
by Concise Digital (Spring Web) There’s not too many businesses in the world that can lay claim to being over 100 years old. It’s an impressive achievement. But not ...
by Afterpay Key In order to make the best rose gold scissors out on the market, it was necessary to learn all about rose gold color's history... Carl Faberg...
by Scissor Tech Regardless of how much you love your hair, you want to make it look good while spending the least amount of money possible. Unfortunately, with eve...
by Scissor Tech Shop All Hairdressing Scissors Shop Barber Scissors Shop Home Use Scissors Want to get a cut that’s perfectly precise thanks to prof...
by Scissor Tech Styling fine hair can be tough for any hairdresser. Thin hair is hard to work with as it tends to not hold any style and makes it difficult to cut ...
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