Should You Buy Your Hair Shears Online?
June 18, 2021Buying hair cutting shears is always exciting - no matter if it's your first or your fifteenth pair. Just imagine all the exquisite haircuts you’ll be able to use them for. Long hair? Short hair? It doesn’t matter - with your new pair of scissors, you can do anything.
However, before you finally have them in your hand, there are a few decisions that you will need to make - one of the first ones being where to buy hair cutting scissors - should you purchase them online or in a physical store?
While there are certainly advantages and disadvantages to both, the truth is that buying them online is simply a better option. Why exactly is that? Well, let us tell you. Below, you’ll find some of the reasons why buying hair cutting shears online is a cut above purchasing them in a brick-and-mortar location.
More Options to Choose From
It is no secret that online stores always have a wider selection of products. There are a few reasons for that - but the main one is that those items are usually shipped from their warehouses, which have a higher capacity in terms of space than a regular store.
Besides, there are certain brands that fully depend on people buying their products online, which means that you won’t be able to find them in any physical store, no matter how long you’ll search for them.
This is especially useful for those who are left-handed. Usually, there are fewer pairs of scissors that can be used by left-handed people than there are for those who are right-handed. With online shopping, you don’t have to worry about this. No lefty scissors in one store? No problem! There is plenty more in other ones.
Lower Prices and Discounts
There’s no denying that products in physical stores are more expensive than when you buy them online. That’s because as said brick-and-mortar stores have high overhead costs, which translates into high markup. In the beauty industry, this can be anywhere between 30 and 100 percent - everything depends on the seller and the location.
When selling their products online, companies don’t have to worry about expenses connected with operating a regular store, such as rent or electricity, which means that they are able to offer products at a lower price.
Also, it is not uncommon for online stores to offer exclusive online sales, during which you can find products you always wanted to buy with 15 or more percent off.
Another thing are vouchers and discount codes. Generally speaking, finding a physical store offering vouchers is very rare - that is unless it is hosting some special event, such as an anniversary of them being on the market. The situation looks completely different online. Many retailers have no problem giving away vouchers and discount codes on their website, as it is a part of their digital marketing strategy.
Browse all discounted hair shears
No Limit In Terms of Location
Buying anything related to hairdressing in-store can be difficult if you live in a small city that has no more than five shops, none of which offer hair cutting shears. With online shopping, this problem disappears.
Additionally, the products you order online will be delivered straight to your doorstep, which is very convenient for those who have some other responsibilities, such as a job (stores are often only open during office hours), small children, or those who are simply unable to visit the store in person, no matter the reason.
Many online scissors stores, including Scissor Tech, offer free shipping within a country, so you don’t have to worry about spending a fortune getting your purchase delivered to you!
No Crowds
Shopping in a physical store can be very frustrating when there are a lot of people around you - not to mention that there are people who simply feel uncomfortable in these kinds of situations. Have you seen what happens during Black Friday sales? Yeah, that’s a no from us.
When buying online, you can make a purchase at your own pace without having people behind you telling you to hurry up because they have places to be. You won’t have to worry about where to park your car so that you won’t have to walk, god knows how much. You won’t have to worry about spending money on gas. Doesn’t it sound amazing?
No Sales Assistant to Put Pressure On You
How many times have you gone to a store to buy one thing, only to walk out with something that you didn’t plan on buying at all, just because the sales assistant convinced you that you absolutely need it? We know we experienced our share of this kind of situation. Obviously, it’s not the seller’s fault, as it is their job (and apparently they are damn good at it), but the truth is that people are very easy to convince.
At home, there’s no one who can influence your decision - unless you count yourself!
Ability to Check the Prices and Reviews
One of the amazing things about the internet is that it really helps in making the best decisions when it comes to what products you should buy - and there are few reasons why.
First of all, it allows you to check the prices of the same product in several different stores. It’s truly a blessing. After all, you wouldn’t want to spend half of your salary on professional hair cutting shears and products to help you keep them in an amazing condition, only to find out that on another website they cost a lot less than you paid. There are plenty of websites whose purpose is to research all the online stores on which a specific product is listed and compare its prices so that you can get it for the best price.
Secondly - reviews. Online reviews are honestly a godsend. Let’s be honest - how many times have you bought a product, be it online or in a physical shop, only to discover that all the amazing things the sales assistant told you about it were pure BS? Because we definitely did at least once or twice (or more like ten times).
When looking at online reviews, you don’t have to worry about people sugarcoating things - they have no business doing so, unless they have some kind of partnership with the company, but that rarely happens if you aren’t an influencer. Besides, if you were to trust either a regular customer that left a review on the product’s page, and someone who works for the company producing this product, who would you trust more? Because for us, it’s a no-brainer - the second one. Just kidding. First one all the way.
Also, online reviews protect you from buying low-quality products. Did you know that people are more likely to leave a review of the product they bought that didn’t meet their expectations AT ALL? Good reviews are usually short, something like ‘Great product! I love it’ or ‘I’m so happy with these scissors, highly recommend!’ But bad reviews? Let’s just say Ernest Hemingway might have some competition.
Shopping 24/7
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just shop whenever you want - like in the middle of the night, for example? Oh wait. You can! That’s what online stores are for. They are available to you 24/7, no matter where you are.
You don’t have until the weekend comes so that you can finally have some time to get in your car and drive to the nearest store with hairdressing products. Just open your laptop, and voila!
Another thing that is worth mentioning is that online shops usually have customer service available 24/7. This means that if you have any problem with your order, or you have questions that need to be answered, you don’t have to wait until the next morning - you can have the answers the same day.
Time Saver
We know we already mentioned how convenient it is to buy hair-cutting scissors online, but we need to say it again - it is pretty convenient.
Normally, if you wanted to buy a pair of hair cutting scissors but weren’t sure which store has the best offer, you needed to visit each one of them individually and take your time to look through all the pairs they offered. However, not only did it take a lot of time, but also, many times the store doesn’t display everything they have in their offer, meaning you needed someone’s help - and we already established why it is not the best idea. Not to mention how long it would take to go from one store to another. And it doesn’t matter if you use a car or public transportation - traffic and delays exist and can be a real pain.
With online shopping, you don’t even have to leave your bed! Just open your computer and the web browser. You can simultaneously check the offer of several different shops - you just need to open their websites in different tabs. Also, looking for specific types of products has never been easier, as the inventory is usually divided into categories - once you open the category, you can just filter the results so that they suit your personal preferences.
So, Are There Any Disadvantages?
While buying hair cutting shears online is definitely more convenient than buying them in store, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t cons. After all, everything has both advantages and disadvantages.
For instance, one of the cons of buying hair-cutting scissors online is that you cannot feel them in your hand, so you don’t actually know whether they will be comfortable for you to use or not really. And let’s be honest - for a hairdresser, uncomfortable hair-cutting shears are almost as bad as uncomfortable shoes for a model. Fortunately, most sellers don’t have a problem exchanging the pair for a new one, or returning them and giving you a refund.
So, are there any cons? Of course! Do they make shopping online for hair-cutting scissors a bad choice? No. As we said, everything has pros and cons, but in this case, the pros outweigh the cons.
The Bottom Line
Who doesn’t like buying new things? Not many people, let us tell you that - especially if the said things will be used on a daily basis. Hair-cutting shears are no exception - the excitement is just the same whether it’s your first or hundredth pair. Ahhh, the very first pair of scissors. We still remember what it felt like.
However, getting back to the matter. When buying hair cutting scissors, there are a lot of decisions you need to make. Do you want a convex edge or a beveled edge? Do you want a classic handle, an offset one, or maybe a crane one? What length do you need? Do you want to buy an individual pair or a whole kit?
However, one of the very first decisions you will need to make is to decide on whether you want to look for (and eventually purchase) hairdresser tools online or in a physical store? If you haven’t guessed already, we are a fan of the first option. And, as you could see, there are many reasons why.
Here at Scissor Tech, we carry a variety of hair-cutting shears for people of all skill levels. It doesn’t matter what you are looking for; you are bound to find it here. And if you need something that is not currently available? Sign up for a reminder! You’ll get a message to your email as soon as it is in stock again.
If you aren’t sure what to choose or have some questions that you would like us to answer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team! We’ll be more than happy to help you out. Thank you for shopping with us!