How to Hold Swivel Scissors
January 20, 2022When it comes to holding swivel scissors it may seem daunting and unnatural but in actual fact, it's one of the most natural and comfortable types of scissors one could own. I know, right now you're probably thinking how!? It looks so uncontrollable. Well, let us be the first to tell you - it's not. Now for some it may not be love at first sight, but for many others it totally is!
What are the main handle designs?
So before we get into 'how to hold a swivel scissor' we need to know if swivel scissors are held the same as a normal hair cutting scissor. But first what is considered normal!? Let's break it down a little, While there are 4 main handles when it comes to hairdressing shears, they are designed for similar yet different reasons. The designs are Classic, Offset, Crane and of course Swivel.
The Offset handle design is a more modern design used by people who hold their scissors with their ring finger (the correct and recommended way). This handle style allows for a more natural hand position while cutting. The offset allows you to cut with a more relaxed feel by having the shorter thumb ring to reduce over extension of the thumb, keeping in mind, you will still need to elevate your elbow to achieve correct blade positioning
The Classic handles are designed for stylists that hold their scissors with their middle finger (not recommended) . For a long while this design was the only option available. Seeing as it was a popular design for so long, it continues to be an industry standard, although this design is also now known to create health issues with stylists' wrists.
The Crane design, while similar to the offset design, although it's held with the ring finger (again the correct and recommended way) it's still slightly different as this design is angled to be able to drop the elbow position, which allows for better body positioning when cutting while still keeping proper blade angle in play. The crane design is a good choice for people prone to wrist, neck and shoulder pain.
And lastly, The swivel, our personal fav! The swivel handle is fantastic, why? Well, because no matter which direction you are cutting in, your thumb is always in the correct position for you and your body, especially if you suffer from any hand, wrist, fingers, neck and or shoulder pain. The swivel design has a far less restrictive feel which makes your hand feel free as a bird, all while still being in a more controlled and comfortable feeling of the swivel thumb hole.
Now if you're used to a non swivel design, It can take roughly 2-3 cuts to get used to the feeling of a swivel scissor. If you can master it (which we feel like everyone can!) you'll quickly notice less hand fatigue, less pain and discomfort making it the ultimate handle design to carry.
Are swivel scissors and normal scissors held the same?
Generally when holding any of these 4 designs, 3 out of the 4 designs are held with the ring finger in the top finger hole and the thumb in the bottom finger hold. The other design (The Classic) is held with the middle finger which as we know causes discomfort. So to answer the question, the finger placement on the swivel is held the same as the offset and crane design but not the classic. However when opening and closing the scissors, it will still be the same motion only your hand will be opening more allowing more comfort and increased mobility.
How to hold the swivel shear?
To hold a swivel scissor is not much different to holding a regular hair cutting shear - if you don't know how to hold a hairdressing scissor at all then click here and this blog will help with that. So if you can master how to hold a normal hair cutting shear, then you'll have no problem holding a swivel. The main thing that you will have to wrap your head around is the actual swivel motion of the thumb hole. While it may feel wobbly to begin with, as soon as your thumb and fingers are inserted in the finger holes you'll very quickly feel how comfortable and unique this design is.
To put it in a nutshell, it's pretty much like holding a standard hair cutting shear. First off by putting your thumb into the larger finger hole of the shear then to follow your ring finger into the smaller finger hole that has the tang attached to it. What about the remaining fingers you ask? They are simply laid on the back arm of the shear which should be on the same arm as the ring finger hole. Once all fingers and thumb are in place and comfortable then it's time to start snipping.
We know they look scary, but trust us when we say, they absolutely are not! If you don't believe us, give them a go and if you still don't like them then lucky for you we have a great returns policy