How to Remove Weight From Bangs For Beginners to Professionals

April 27, 2021

Not always do you need to remove weight from bangs but when you do, it must be done with absolute care. It's the first damn thing we see on the face, so if it doesn't look right then well good luck to you! 

The best technique I've found when it comes to removing weight from bangs or a fringe is to get the client to look in the mirror and your best hairdressing eye should be able to see where the density of the hair is falling creating a heavy fringe. Once the weighted section is noticed keep your same eye on it and pick the heavy section up with your hands and get ready to comb it through and either point cut or get your thinning scissors ready to make your snip. 

However, even if you have to comb it a few times then fluff then comb then fluff to see its natural state - definitely do so! No one walks around with a fringe with a comb run through it constantly throughout the day, do they!? I mean, you do what you want with your bangs but for the average person we need wear and tear in our day. Before removing or cutting any hair off the fringe be sure all bits of the fringe that are meant to be there are there, any other hair forward should be clipped away out of sight, Unless of course its side sweeping bangs then you will need the extra hair of the hairstyle to surround to see exactly where everything is going to fall. 

Be sure to take a small section each time before cutting or point cutting into the fringe and removing any hair and making it shorter. It's hard to tell you how to remove weight from side bangs, bangs, fringes, or any form of fringe because there are so many.

However if you the hairstylist think of removing weight from a fringe as you would for a normal cut then it should be easy enough for you to do. Just I can't stress this enough but please take a small section each time to avoid disappointment. An inch too much can be disastrous but you can avoid it by taking the right care and steps into cutting bangs, or removing weight from them.

 Can you reverse bangs?

Two words. I wish! Once you make that first cut, if it's shorter than you expect well my friend I'm sorry but you clearly didn't use the right technique to cut the perfect bangs in the first place. First of what you want to be doing is to start off long... way longer than the final result (Especially if you're not confident starting off) and work your way shorter in small sections. 

It may take extra time but at least it will be what the client would want  and not what their mum gave them when they were 5 years old. Do you remember your mum telling you to sit still and close your eyes while she hacks at your hair and it almost always ended up in a bowl cut? Yeah same. It was never fun - So the same rule applies for removing weight from bangs or adding bangs to a hairstyle. Tell your client in a polite manner of course - Sit still and close your eyes.

So the best advice from a clients perspective - as said above, sit still when the hairdresser pulls out her shears ready to cut your hair into bangs, we don't want to look back like when we were kids. No thanks!

 How do you get rid of fringe weight?

When looking at removing weight in your freshly cut bangs essentially you're also looking at the density of the bangs. Too much density in the bangs can almost make you lose either the style of the cut surround or simply look like the client just can't see, Or, in really rare cases it can sort of complete the look. Although it may need to be trimmed every 2 weeks to keep the thick blunt style in place - that's up to the client to decided if they are going to commit to it or not. 

Sometimes cutting/removing weight instead of length can create the illusion that it is an inch maybe less high. So at least if the hair is in your client’s eyes but she doesn't want it shorter - this technique used with your thinning shears may be your get out of jail free card and will hopefully not be too short or too long for her, you have at least covered you're butt, its easier to trim shorter or remove weight then having done too much from the get go.


How do you fix your overgrown bangs?

So your bangs are overgrown, surprise surprise unless you have full faith in a hairdresser it's no doubt you may be scared of your now overgrown bangs going too short. As long as the hairdresser is using the right tools (scissors or thinning scissors) and can either take it either section by section or little by little to ensure she's not going to cut too much off and leave you with a whole new look. (a new look you didn't want for that matter)

However, as long as  he/she is using the correct scissors or thinning shears when cutting or let’s say trimming your bangs just close your eyes and let her do her job. I'm sure you trusted her or another hairdresser to cut the rest of your hair so try to have full faith that we hairdressers are trained for the job.

 It's more often than not that people are so quick to share a horror story (most of the time not their own) which brings me to my next point... people are more likely to share something bad than good, whether it's bad food, bad service, bad anything people are so quick to share bad experiences. Whereas if it's good it's more likely that the client wants to keep you as their little secret! Let's face it - we live in a selfish world these days, so keep an open mind when it comes to hearing bad horror stories and have faith in hairdressers of today. 


Most hairdressers that aren't confident in cutting hair will either not be in the salon or will pass it onto the next confident hairdresser, or you will see it written on their face! Like you, the client sometimes just sometimes gets a little chicken when it comes to cutting hair if we haven't had much exposure. What better way to gain confidence though? Hair grows back... right? Ok just kidding, practice as much as you can! Comb, point cut, thin try it all and practice until your confidence is through the roof like it is with the rest of your hair cutting and thinning skills.

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